- Additional services- These are the services that are provided by the moving company from start to finish. Included in these additional services are your packing, unpacking and the transportation of the goods and the moving boxes from one place to the next. There can be separate charges for these services in addition to the charge levied on transportation. In relation to this, there are advanced charges that should be noted as well. These are the charges that are levied on services that are not necessarily performed by the moving company. Sometimes these are the services that are performed by craftsmen;
- Bill of lading- This is an important document when it comes to moving. This is simply the receipt of the packages and will act as the contract for the transportation. This should be signed but don’t sign the bill if you think that there are some errors, or you don’t agree with some of the information that is listed on the bill. Considered as an important document, do not in any circumstance lose your copy of the bill of lading;
- Estimates and the binding/non-binding estimate- You need to have an estimate before you sign up with the provider of moving service. The estimate comes in handy when you are still on that stage of looking for your moving company. The recommendation is to look for at least three estimates from three companies before deciding on the right company. The binding estimate is the estimate that is agreed upon in advance. This estimate is based on the quantity and the services to be performed. The non-binding estimate on the other hand is just an approximation and this is usually based on the estimated weight of the packages and moving boxes;
- Guaranteed pickup and delivery service- The leading players and moving companies in the industry will offer these details. Consider these as premium services and as such you will be charged with premium fees as well. at least you can be sure that your goods will come at the specified time and;
- Inventory- Here’s another important document needed if you want to move your personal belongings. The inventory will list the items that are packed and loaded, and the condition of these items will be indicated as well.
There are other terms that are used in the industry, but you can consider these listed above as some of the industry’s most important terminologies. Learn what these terms mean so that you’ll not be put at a disadvantage once you decide to tap companies that offer moving service.